Social and Auction
GENERAL MEETING – Social and Auction
At the December General Meeting, we will continue an annual tradition of our Social & Auction, resuming in person. During this event, you will be able to catch up and meet other members of the TBS, as well as bid on donated items. All proceeds go to the TBS to continue funding for the club, so we can bring in more professionals and educational opportunities to our members.
Toronto Botanical Garden, Floral Hall
777 Lawrence Avenue East
Door opens at 6:30 PM. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM
No registration or reservations necessary. Free to all TBS members in good standing.
COVID PROTOCOL IN PLACE We ask that members who attend in-person HIGHLY consider masking at this time. Surgical masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance of this meeting.
Many TBS members are older, and/or immuno-compromised, and we want to make sure that everyone can participate safely. Thank you kindly for your understanding.